Home 1920's & 1930's 1940's 1950-1954 1955-1959 1960 -1964 1965 - 1969 1970's & 1980'S Fun Cars & Bikes Weird Sightings In the Movies  



Click on a license plate to view the cars of that era.

This section is under construction in an effort to update the photos of current members and the vehicles they now own. 

 If your car/truck/motorcycle is not here it is because the webmaster does not have a photo of your vehicle.

 You may submit a hard copy or digital photo. Please include any data that you want to share about the vehicle. See 1950 Dodge for an example of what you might include.  1950 Dodge

 Digital photos must 1.5mb or less due to mailbox restrictions.  Photos may be sent to this link.  Photos

Snail mail photos to:    N. Smith, 1299 Nicholas Lane, Charlotte, Mi.  48813